About the project

Split Nomad Gallery in collaboration with the Mediterranean Film Festival Split / FMFS presented the 2nd edition of NoMAD MOVIE ART – Film classics through the eyes of Croatian authors.

8 renowned authors from all over Croatia interpreted newly chosen film classics through their medium, from their own personal and unique perspective. Authors were given complete design freedom in creating new and original visuals of well-known classics. The movie posters successfully resist the test of time, maintaining their cult value by combining film and fine art for audiences of all generations. In this extraordinary presentation of cinematic classics, the artists skillfully blended elements of film, graphic design, illustration, typography, and photography. Each poster carries the personal and distinctive signature of its creator, preserving the essence of the original film while infusing it with new life and perspective. The result is eight new movie posters that have withstood the test of time, retaining their cult value.

It is our great pleasure to finally present to you this year’s authors and their artworks:

Il Postino – Franka Tretinjak

Saturday Night Fever – Tea Jurišić

Seven – Mišo Komenda

Predator – Ivan Milas

Stalker – Vanja Cuculić

The Godfather – Goran Radošević

Rosemary’s Baby – Hana Tintor

The Big Lebowski – Vjeran Juhas

In addition, 6 of last year’s favorites chosen by our audience were exhibited:

Blade Runner – Aida Tosuni Petričević

Amarcord – Luka Duplančić

The Warriors – Petra Ana Čubelić

Conan The Barbarian – Mate Žaja

The Meaning of Life by Monty Python – Ivan Svaguša

Last Tango in Paris – Petar Reić

The goal of the project is, as always, to encourage and support artistic collaboration, production, and audience engagement. Just like the previous year, the background of film classics is always current and in its  own way reaches different audiences, ensures cultural diversity, and encourages dialogue.

All 14 movie posters were exhibited in the Bačvice Open Air Cinema for the duration of the Festival and were available for purchase at promotional prices.

As part of FMFS’ kids program “Let’s start from 0” a series of workshops for kids, MEDITERAONICA, were organized as well.

Exhibition in Smartspace

After the premiere at FMFS, we moved the exhibition to our second home,  Smartspace in the center of Split, where it was available to both local and international audiences all summer.

Exhibition at Fabrika 35 in Hvar

After a successful summer at Smartspace, we closed the season off in style on the island of Hvar, at FABRIKA 35, where movie posters had their first island premiere and again reached a whole new audience of locals and tourists passing through the island of Hvar.